Collingwood Children’s Farm Market

Collingwood Children’s Farm Market Once a month there’s a farmers market on at Collingwood Children’s Farm, which is just outside of Melbourne City. We hadn’t been in AGES and when the weather was just right the other week (as in, neither rain nor extreme heat predicted) we made the trip and enjoyed a fun family […]

Wintery Saturday Farmers Market

Today we visited the Veg Out St Kilda Farmers Market – a local market full of incredible local produce, including tons of organic options. On arrival, the boys always head to the large oval adjacent to the market to have a good run and a kick of the ball we bring from home. I get […]

Wintery Farmers Market Shop

We’re in the thick of Winter here in Australia, which means my weekly shop at my local Farmers Market included wintery fruit galore. My shop included Pink Lady Apples, Pears and Oranges. I bought a giant bunch of Rhubarb and will make Rhubarb Jam for the boys this week. (Click here for the Rhubarb Jam […]