French Toast with Avocado

I was going to call this post “Mr 3 Ate Eggs Again – Whoohoo!!!”, because that’s just what this French Toast with Avocado Post is all about.

You see, Mr 3 has been an avid egg eater. In fact he’s eaten eggs a couple of times each week – that was, until a couple of months ago. Maybe he was bored with plain omelettes, maybe I burnt them a little one time and he decided they weren’t for him? Who knows, but all of a sudden, a few months ago he started to blatantly reject omelettes, without even putting them to his lips.

I was chatting with my Brilliant Aunty M about my Eggy Dilemma, she suggested that I spread some jam on the Omelettes, since she witnessed him wolfing down 2 Jam Sandwiches at lunch one day!

Inspired by the idea to use a favourite food to solve my Eggy Dilemma, I decided to make french toast for him (which he used to LOVE until Omelettes became the eggy “flavour of the month”) and spread them with another of his favourite foods – Avocado.

I made the french toast by beating together 3 eggs in a bowl, then dunking each of the 4 slices of bread into the beaten eggs. I found that cooking the french toast using whole pieces of bread, rather than pre-slicing it into shapes, made it MUCH easier to spread with the avocado afterwards.

I fried the french toast in a large pan, ensuring it was cooked through on both sides. Then, I transferred the french toast to a large plate.

Each piece of French Toast was spread with avocado and cut into 8 triangles. (Mr 3 LOVES his sandwiches cut into triangles!)

I presented him with the entire plate and told him that it was to share with his brother, Mr 1, and he could take as many pieces as he wanted. He took just two tiny triangles initially, and was extremely suspicious of what looked a lot like Avocado on toast. The little detective just had to make sure there was nothing hidden by flipping each piece over and around and inspecting every corner before taking his first cautious bite.

Much to my absolute delight – he LOVED it and quickly finished the two pieces he’d assigned to himself, then grabbed more and more from the plate until he and his brother virtually finished the entire plate of French Toast with Avocado.

I was so excited to share this experience with you. To give you hope that even when they are fussy with a food, it just takes a bit of persistence and creativity (and some inspiration from Aunty M!) and eventually they WILL eat.