October Unprocessed

October Unprocessed 2012

October Unprocessed is a challenge initiated by Andrew at Eating Rules. I love the premise of this challenge – to really think about what we’re eating and make changes for the better. Whether it’s for the whole month or a couple of days, and whether it’s 100% unprocessed or mostly unprocessed and with some exceptions – it’s about making a change for the better and really thinking about the food we’re consuming. And who knows, maybe one or two of the changes will stick for good!

In our home, I’d say we are well on our way to a fully unprocessed, whole foods diet. But, have had a few processed food items still lingering in our routine – namely breakfast items (cereal – argh) and the odd little chocolate here and there (and maybe a little more in my case!). That is what I plan to focus on in October – finding unprocessed breakfast alternatives and unprocessed sweet treats.

I’ve taken the pledge to go Unprocessed in October. I’d love you to join me, in whatever way suits you, depending on where you are in your food journey. Head over to Eating Rules for loads of October Unprocessed information and to take the pledge.

I look forward to getting started with October Unprocessed and sharing the experience with you. I’d love to hear about what you think of this challenge and whether you’re going to be going Unprocessed in October.