French Toast Kebabs


French Toast Kebabs are a fun way to serve french toast to the kids, and sneak a vegetable serve in too!

To make french toast skewers, first you need to make french toast and allow it to cool.

Then, cut the french toast into shapes. I made the french toast shapes triangles and the cut the cucumber into circles, for a shape patterned effect.

Next, thread the french toast onto skewers. (where to find skewers)

These french toast kebabs are perfect for any meal – breakfast, lunch boxes, healthy kids snacks or dinner meals.

I served these french toast kebabs in a meal with more green veggies on the side – snow peas and green pepper.

You could choose to serve fruity french toast kebabs instead and switch the cucumbers for strawberries or bananas.

Please share your favorite kebab combination in the comments.

Here are bamboo skewers for making french toast or other yummy kebabs:

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