A Rainbow Of Fruit And Vegetables

Rainbow Of Fruit And Vegetables

Lately, each week when I write out my shopping list, I include “A Rainbow Of Fruit And Vegetables” in my list. It’s a general reminder to fill my trolley with a wide variety of fruit and vegetables of every colour of the rainbow. As I’m making it my 2015 goal to include more vegetables in our mealtimes, I feel this is a fun way to start.

Here’s the full list of fruit and vegetables included (for the purposes of this photo I picked a few or a bunch of each ingredient, there’s a whole kilo of carrots, for example, not just 2 as seen in the photo, to see us through the week!):

Red – Truss tomatoes and cherry tomatoes

Orange Carrots and onions (maybe a little brownish, but it sort of looks a shade of orange here?!)

Yellow – Bananas

Green – Celery and Grapes

Blue – Blueberries

Purple – Eggplant

On bringing this bounty home, I decided to take a photo of my rainbow of fruit and vegetables and in the coming week I plan to document how I use each of the above fruit and vegetables and then share that with you in a post next week.

I haven’t cooked with eggplant in ages, so I’m still deciding how we will include that in our weekly mealtimes… you’ll have to wait until next week to find out!

Do you make a habit of eating a rainbow of fruit and vegetables every week?