GAPS Introduction Diet – Stage 5

Hooray for Cucumber! It was such a welcome treat to be greeted with a plate full of peeled, sliced cucumber. It was our first taste of raw vegetables in a couple of weeks and they were super sweet and crunchy.

The following day we introduced carrots and then tomato, along with the cucumber, in a salad drizzled with a little olive oil. Mr 2 seemed to get a little irritated by the tomato, so we limit him to just a cherry tomato at a time. It’s tough though cause he loves his ‘aato’s’ as he cutely calls them!

Stage 5 of the GAPS Intro Diet also includes the introduction of fruit – in the form of pureed apple. to be honest, we were hesitant to introduce fruit. We’ve read that it can be problematic. So, we waited until well into the 5th stage before introducing pureed apple. Thankfully the pureed apple didn’t pose any problems, so we gave it a couple of days and them moved onto the 6th and final stage of The GAPS Introduction Diet.

The boys have been coping remarkably well considering that they have had a massive shift in their diet. Scrambled Eggs and Pancakes of various incarnations has been the go to menu item when they are hungry and their meal is still cooking… (which is often!) I cook whatever veg I have on hand into the eggs/pancakes and serve it with some avo on the side (usually thinned with some stock for that extra little nourishment)… being able to add raw veg has made a HUGE difference in meal preparation, now I can just add a portion of chopped veg or a raw veg salad to bulk up their meals a little. Here’s one of their meals from Stage 5 – pumpkin scrambled eggs, avocado mixed with stock and slices of peeled cucumber.

Eczema Update – Mr 2’s skin is very slowly progressing and the discoid eczema is very very slowly retreating. We have tried to introduce dairy a number of times with him and with each attempt his skin breaks out, so we wait a bit longer… the rest of the family have been having homemade yoghurt since stage 2. We have it when he has his naps and his older brother now knows to go straight to the fridge for his “secret food”… he understands that the yoghurt makes his brothers skin “sore”and that we eat it when he’s not around so we don’t tease him.

Stage 5 was a turning point, we felt as if we were nearing the end of the limited introduction diet and I felt like my cooking was become easier, with the introduction of raw vegetables. The GAPS Diet has been a positive experience for our family so far, and I look forward to progressing through the rest of the diet and sharing it with you.

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More GAPS Diet Information:
GAPS Diet Preparation
GAPS Introduction Diet Stage 1
GAPS Introduction Diet Stage 2
GAPS Introduction Diet Stage 3
GAPS Introduction Diet Stage 4
GAPS Introduction Diet Stage 5
GAPS Introduction Diet Stage 6

Disclaimer – this post should not be treated as medical advice. It is meant for informational purposes only – please consult with your health professional if you have any concerns for the health of you or your family. Thank you.